Thursday, August 17, 2017 9:29:28 AM MDT
I am selling Goldner cans here. This is the style of can that was carried by HMS Erebus and HMS Terror during the 1848 voyage. There were thousands of pounds of tinned food carried aboard the ships for their journey to find the Northwest Passage.
These cans are examples of the hole and cap process of canning foods.
The process is covered in the 1876 periodical Good Words. London: Alexander Strahan and Co, 1860.

They were painted red and had a paper label.

The label had instructions for opening the can and preparing the ingredients. Scraping the paint to prevent it from falling into the food was suggested.

The use of this new method of preserving food had some problems. One problem may have been the amount of lead that came in contact with the food. That lead poisoning may have caused the behavioral problems that were described by the Inuits. The strange behavior is also the subject of the terror that was faced by the crew and the subject of the AMC mini-series “The Terror”.
I’m a ration collecter and would love to have one, what is the price?
They are $25.00 and available here:
Are they food safe if I wanted to actually can something in them?
All of our products are food safe. However, the Goldner can is sealed shut, painted, and labeled. We have had customers who have chosen to purchase the can without the top soldered on and put their food inside. If you would prefer that, you can leave a note on your order. Thanks.
Hello. I sent money for one of these amazing Goldner tins. Your site is pretty unconventional… so I thought I’d shoot you a message here to see if you received it since I’ve not seen an email in response to my payment.
Thank you- Jim
Yes, we received your order. It was just updated to “processing,” did you get an email for that?
HiāSame thing as James above; ordered one of these great looking Goldner Cans but never received an email confirmation or order status. Can you send one over? Thanks!
Email sent.